Last night my in-laws took us all out to dinner. After dinner we went downtown to see the holiday window displays at Macy's.
The windows tell the story "Yes Virginia There Is A Santa Clause".
It starts out with Virginia and her family around the tree:

See the kids upstairs on the landing putting the star on the tree?

In the doorway behind the family you can see the maid standing in the pantry!

Here is the street outside the newspaper office. See the guy decorating the light pole?

Here is Virginia on the steps with her letter to the editor.

Here we are inside the newspaper office.
Yes Virginia Santa is real.

Here is my Cherie enjoying the windows despite the bitter cold. Hey where is your hat?!!!

What a fun night. I remember going to see the windows downtown when I was little and how magical it was. It still is pretty neat.
Have a great Christmas everyone!